2016 Annual Report now available!

2016 Annual Report now available!

The Red Oak 2016 Annual Report is now available at www.redoakbh.org/about/annual-reports. You will see program and growth highlights, client demographics, school-based therapy partners and financials. It’s a privilege to continue serving Summit and surrounding...
Thanks to donations, Red Oak served 90 families at Christmas Shop

Thanks to donations, Red Oak served 90 families at Christmas Shop

Thanks to the Red Oak staff members and other community members who donated items to our annual Christmas Shop. Your generous support blessed 90 families who were able to exchange Christmas gifts. The shop contained toys for children of different genders and age...
Accepting Donations to the Red Oak Christmas Shop

Accepting Donations to the Red Oak Christmas Shop

Red Oak is now collecting items for our annual Christmas Shop! Last year we served over 60 client families who needed help providing Christmas gifts to their loved ones and we need your help to offer the same benefit this year. We offer items for both children and...